Friday, November 13, 2009

Guys..... Please Explain

The other night I was at church for some meetings and a few of my friends were there. We had been talking about the up coming Dance and just plan joking around. When one of my guy friends got up to leave. Now at the same time I was packing up my things and was starting to leave as well, when he turns around and announces that he now has a stalker and was looking right at me. Well I did not want to lose this oppertunity to say something back, so I told him that I was his new stalker and that I was going to follow him home. This is what he said Back " Well I dont thing your a stalker because your much to Bea....... ahh nevermind"
Here is the challenge to all my readers what words start with


Nate Judd said...

He was complimenting you. He was going to call you beautiful. At least he didn't start the word "Bi..."
Is this the guy you're going out with tonight?

hil said...

well, there's beautiful, bear, beast, or my personal favorite Golden Girl, Bea Arthur. now, if someone told me that i was too Bea, i'd be so pumped! however, young guys don't watch Golden Girls, so lets cut to the chase. he was most definitely going to tell you that you are much too beautiful to be a stalker, which is true. beautiful girls don't stalk; they are stalked. so, maybe it's time for you to start looking over your shoulder and make sure this dude isn't lurking in the shrubbery near your home!

Betty Jo said...

Explain what!!!! IF you think he is cute and nice then it is probably beautiful if you think he is the opposite then maybe it was beast!!!

Since I know the real you I would conclude Beautiful fits the best---

love ya,