Wednesday, December 29, 2010


In different lives
they find that it can be sad
the grayness in the sky
the crawl of the water into your shoes
leaving your toes cold and wet
But is it really the drops that tumble down
or the clouds that sometimes seem like they will never lift
No its the feelings that are inside ourselves
will we let them control us or will we control them
Only when the rain comes
is when we get to see the beauty that comes after
we see the full glory of the blue Sky's as the rainbow falls to the valley below
and its when the sunsets the stars decide to give us a show
Only when we let the light fall into our hearts
that's when people will see the beauty inside us
and we will see it for our own self
After troubling times
only then is when we see the blessings within
The cleansed soul

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